9-25-22 9:38 •
Joe Biden
Maybel: So, coming up on the midterms, how you all feeling about Joe Biden?
I do not actually heart Joe Biden. He is an institutional Democrat with a lot of privilege, and is part of the Clinton 'third way' political dynasty. I was not expecting a lot at first, and even so was disappointed, by the botched exit from Afghanistan and by legislative deadlock.
However several things have happened which have improved my views of Biden.
1. Getting the infrastructure and climate bills. For the first time, the United States is making a meaningful recognition of climate change and what causes it. The country is suffering from underinvestment in everything that matters, from education to health to infrastructure to changing our power systems. These bills are vital first steps and important accomplishments.
2. Leading in Ukraine. The system of alliances and sanctions that are preventing Russia from conquering Ukraine depend on a united front and Biden is the head of that alliance. His team is doing a credible job of keeping the pressure up.
3. Challenging the Washington Consensus. Presidents from Reagan forward, including Democrats, have subscribed to mass privatization, 'trickle-down' or supply-side economics. It's not working - the millionaires have become multi-billionaires and have a much greater share of the world's wealth than ever, while everyone else has stagnated or slipped.
Biden recently stated that he is done with trickle-down economics and wants an economy built "from the bottom up and the middle out." That's the kind of economy that lifted the standard of living for most in the United States to middle class in the 50s & 60s. It's a public/private partnership with strong emphasis on public education and good jobs. If Biden makes significant strides in creating demand for this kind of economy, his presidency will be pivotal.
4. Addressing the rising tide of authoritarianism. Right-wing Christian nationalism is gaining political traction in Europe. Sweden just elected a large number of hard right "former neo-Nazis". Italy is in the process of electing the first far-right government since WWII. Orbán in Hungary, Erdogan in Turkey, Bolsonaro in Brazil, and Trump in the U.S. are all using the same tactics - scapegoating, Big Lie grievances, and promises to return to a former age of glory.
This movement is rising on economic stagnation and is a threat to systems of self-government all over the globe. Very few other world leaders have called this out for the threat it is, but Biden has. If he puts America in the lead for fighting against this tide, with economic realism and by standing for public good, he will be a force the world needs right now. Presidents can't ask for too much more than that.
9-19-22 2:48 •
North Vs. South
The Crown Estates : property worth £14.1 billion, with urban properties valued at £9.1 billion representing the majority of the estate by value. These include many properties in central London, agricultural land and forest and more than half of the UK's foreshore, and retains various other traditional holdings and rights, including Ascot Racecourse and Windsor Great Park.
You often see Americans say "get rid of the monarchy". But would you allow the newly ex-royals to retain ownership of the Crown Estates? Or would you steal it from them, by passing a law saying "it's ours now!" and nationalising it? You see the problem.
So get the legendarily astute British minds on it and come up with a compromise, maybe a trust.
I'm sure you realize that caste systems always justify their existence by contending that it would just be too difficult to figure out how to change. But as societies advance, they muddle through.
Maybel: I think Brexit kind of wrecked the place.
In my lifetime, Britain has been an example of surviving empire, contracting from colonialism almost all the way back to their own borders while remaining a world power. I quite admired this, and I had hope that the U.S. could slowly deflate from being the lone superpower to a more realistic and compatible role in the world. Now I do not know if either will evolve enough to last.
Maybel: I don't want to pick on the monarchy when the Queen just died. But people all around the world are still suffering from colonialism.
All of the greater wealth in the global North was basically plundered from people with less advanced technology in the global South, by exploiting their labor and extracting their natural resources. The surplus value of the labor of every person who has worked, and every bit of extracted resource, has been accumulating in piles for centuries. Recently we have pushed the biggest piles in front of guys like Zuckerberg and Bezos. But they did not make it. It's the accumulated commercial value of the industrialized world.
Now the natural systems of earth, and our civilization, are failing because we have extracted and exploited everything. And there is no way to sort out who owes what to who now. I'm of mixed heritage - what percentage of me owes how much to what percentage of you? It can't be told. The only thing we can do is acknowledge that we, human beings, plundered other cultures and the natural world and now we, human beings, have to repair that damage and restore what we removed.
That will not come from trying to sort through the piles. The people who have the piles - in the North, mostly - need to start reinvesting them in the South, and everywhere. The accumulated wealth of our world has to be used to save what's left of our world - investing in social and natural systems that provide for healthy lives.
That is the only way for our civilization to continue - take what we have accumulated from the past, and reinvest it all into the future.
Maybel: Some say the Queen should have apologized for colonialism. But was it her fault?
The issue is not whether Her Late Majesty apologized, and it wouldn't help much if King Charles III did. They seem like okay people, and have tried to help others in some ways, but they personally are not the problem.
The problem is that they now have all the wealth. Charles personally just received one of the world's largest inherited fortunes and does not even have to pay taxes on it. This wealth was produced by generations of slaves and commoners and laborers and people who ate gruel. They did all the work, but the pile they made goes to him.
Meanwhile, Britain has become so poor that formerly middle-class people could freeze to death and starve in their homes this winter.
That hoarded wealth should *at least* be helping the people of Britain, who are still doing all the work. They don't need apologies. They need their share of Britain's wealth to keep them alive and give them a good life. And so do all the people who live in the places that were plundered. And so does almost everyone.
This is the problem - getting the hoarded wealth of the industrialized world into the hands of the people who made it and who need it. Apologies are nice, but nothing short of solving this will be good enough.
Maybel: They have a lot of problems in their history.
Very true, but I think it goes way beyond this family, or Britain. The entire accumulated wealth from generations of peons around the globe toiling to turn the planet into profit has concentrated into a tiny number of hands. That is why no one else has enough to afford groceries. This poor family just happens to be sitting on top of one of the piles.
Yes, their critics were brutally clear. They lost support that they would have had if they waited for the funeral to end first.
Let’s see if an apology ever happens now… might have to wait for Wills to become King since this all happened when Charles’ emotions were so raw.
The Queen's death caused a lot of raw emotion, not all of it positive, and based on what people have endured, it's understandable. Those emotions are as important as that one guy's.
And if he would withhold an apology for the *rest of his life* over this, it's not worth the breath he would have wasted saying it anyway.
9-19-22 1:47 •
Not Dead
AnxiousMom: My heart is racing with anxiety. I feel so horrible lately...everyday I wake up I am consumed with anxiety. It seems like everyone is dying. Besides my family dying one by one within a couple of years I see news stories everyday of random people dying. Its overwhelming. What really gets me is the random murders where you are just going about your day and some crazy person decides on a whim to end your life.
I'm afraid of dying in general always have been.
This is the human condition. But, if you are worrying about it, it means one glorious thing - you are alive! So rejoice!
9-19-22 5:45 •
No Explanation
Plexy: This immigration thing is out of control. Biden has zero enforcement at the border.
What should we be doing?
Plexy: This exposes Democrats for who they truly are! They are fine with overwhelming Texas with migrants!
How are "Democrats" responsible for Texas being overwhelmed with migrants?
Plexy: This isn’t a new issue and this is not something the rest of these states should have any sort of surprised reaction about. It’s been years…years.
The Obama, Trump and Biden administrations have continued a long line of being tough on immigration, including massive deportations and violations of international law. What should they have been doing that would have prevented this?
* * * * *crickets* * * * * *

9-19-22 2:44 • "I Heart Dark Brandon"
I have enjoyed the Brandon thing from the start, because I love to see people cheering on our president, lol. But apparently it's taking off.
Plexy: Dark Brandon? As in the Light is off and no one’s home? Fitting.
No, as if we passed some landmark legislation to address infrastructure and climate, and Brandon called out the MAGA election deniers as fascists. Let's go Brandon!

9-19-22 2:48 • Real Immigration Policy
I have been looking into the immigration issue. There are some serious policy solutions proposed:
1. Rethink Amnesty.
Right now amnesty takes years and officials on the scene do not have the authority to make the decision. We should get many more adjudicators with more authority to quickly decide if there is reasonable "cause for fear" on amnesty claims. The time for refusal should be reduced to months, not years, and this would discourage people from waiting around the border for years for a decision. Quick refusal also discourages people from traveling a long way to try.
2. Strengthen immigration institutions.
Our current border infrastructure was created mainly to deal with single adults, now they have to deal with large numbers of families and unaccompanied minors. Border facilities should be designed to accommodate this new reality, and avoiding unsafe holding conditions should be a top priority.
3. Address smuggling networks regionally.
Smuggling and trafficking operations are increasingly sophisticated, and there is no coordinated effort to combat them across national borders. The U.S., Mexico and the governments of Central and South America need to share intelligence and strategically coordinate their enforcement to counter organized crime.
4. Create Legal Pathways for Migration
Studies have shown that easier paths to legal immigration, and more opportunities for legally working in the U.S., persuade people to go the legal route instead of immigrating illegally. We have labor shortages all over this country and making it easier for people to fill those roles incentivizes the legal path.
5. Investing in development and public security
The world has to coordinate efforts to make conditions in the global south as livable as those in the north. Intense international investment in sustainable politics, economics and environmental restoration will reduce the pressure on people to leave home. We need to start taking care of people where they are.
Strategic Solutions for the United States and Mexico to Manage the Migration Crisis
Harpy: That's all bullshit.
How so?
* * * * *crickets* * * * * *

9-19-22 12:01 • Bad DeSantis
Plexy: Southern governors have been bussing immigrants to cities like New York, Chicago and Washington DC. Governor DeSantis of Florida recently flew a planeload of asylum seekers from Texas to Martha's Vinyard. Serves em right!
Ria: Martha's Vinyard doesn't have the resources to deal with these people.
Plexy: Who does? That's the point! Sharing the pain, making people aware of the impacts of the Brandon Open Borders policy!
Biden’s Border Policy Is Not “Open Borders”.
https://www.cato.org/blog/bidens-border ... en-borders
Practically since his first week in office, President Joe Biden has faced repeated criticisms from Republicans and some Democrats that his border policy amounts to “open borders.” This criticism is not simply inaccurate: it is unhinged from reality in a way that distinguishes itself from normal political hyperbole. Indeed, U.S. immigration policy is effectively closed borders, and Biden’s immigration policies and goals are largely the same as those of President Donald Trump.
Yes, people are coming in illegally, but it's not Brandon's policies - he deports more people than Trump did.
The Biden administration has smashed all records for immediate expulsions without due process, increasing the rate from 62,000 per month under Trump to about 100,000.
Harpy: You must take your cues on gaslighting from the man behind the curtain.
What do you know? You can't explain it. You can't discuss it. I have no reason to think you understand it at all.
If there is anything at all to your politics besides constant sniping, I'd be interested to hear it. Dare you?
Harpy: Some aren't worth the bother.
No, you are just trolling.
I do hope people see this sums up the MAGA philosophy in a nutshell. But it's 100% wrong. The only way to get to the future is to bring everyone.
AZToot: Oh cut the crap! You're a condescending snot and very difficult to have a good conversation with.
Even with your sometimes wrapped up in a little bow add-ons of "Thank you for the conversation" comments, your true colors unfortunately shine through, causing some to not feel it's worth their time to have a conversation with you.
No, the MAGA people don't explain or discuss with anyone else either.
Has anyone here heard a single principled or logical or factual argument for supporting this movement, ever? If it existed, people would be making it, for it's own sake, and they would not let one online mom stop them.
Don't blame me for the real problem, which is that MAGA is unsupportable.
AZToot: My comments are about how you come across here.
Put aside the political rhetoric and understand that. Instead of politicizing and calling her a troll, consider what I've written.
I'm not "politicizing," this is a discussion about politics. I looked into the immigration issue and found some very practical, feasible and non-partisan policy recommendations that would make a huge difference. They include changing the way we do amnesty, beefing up border infrastructure and allowing more work permits.
Are these good ideas? Maybe not. If there are convincing arguments against them, I would love to know, so we can figure out better ideas. That's what a political discussion could be.
Cara: I’ve never seen Sally post anything that she couldn’t back up with facts. She’s well read on the topics and I appreciate that. It shouldn’t be a negative.
[many likes and agreements]
AZToot: Cara, it's not what she says but how she says it! Not everyone will respond well to another who approaches discussions with a condescending tone. Instead of realizing this, she says someone is trolling.
AZ, give me a break. Harpy quoted me and accused me of "gaslighting," but has no fact or argument to back that shit up. Yes, that is trolling, as is the tired excuse about how there "are" good reasons, but it's just no use explaining it to "some people."
The *entire right* has no answers, will not engage in good faith, is ignoring the facts, and is reduced to trolling, INCLUDING this latest stunt from DeSantis.
The problem is not how I say this. It's facing this fact.
AZToot: Thanks for proving my points in your generalizations above.
Have you thought of asking these ladies who've written this why they feel that they can't confide in you?
Do you even remember what this was about? I said that Biden's border policy is not open borders, and he had deported more people than Trump. Those are simple points related to the DeSantis stunt. There is nothing wrong with what I said or how I said it.
But I do apologize for my hasty generalization. I should have said the *entire MAGA right* because that does not mean all political conservatives. However it does apply to 78% of Republicans who support Trump, to Abbott and DeSantis, and to most of the Republican party leadership.
Harpy: Here is your first clue. How many came in illegally under trump v Biden? So, spitballing here, if 1,000 came in under Trump and he deported 50 and 100,000 under Biden and he deported 75 Biden deported more. That is gaslighting. That is why you're not worth the bother.
No, you missed the point of the example. Biden has not let enforcement of the border drop. Massive deportation shows that his border policies have been virtually unchanged from that of the Trump administration. Biden policy did not *cause* the greater number of migrants. It is largely due to institutional design and the greater unrest to the south. Presidents from Obama to Trump to Biden have failed to make adequate reforms, but it's not an "open border." That is a gross mischaracterization to provoke outrage. And none of that makes the busing stunts okay.
This is a perfectly reasonable argument to make, based on the work of experts who study the border crisis. It's not gaslighting. And it's certainly worth the bother to explain, even if I don't think you will agree.
AZToot: There you go, being condescending.
AZ, you spent an entire day in pearl-clutching concern for the tender feelings harmed by my "condescending tone." That was never the problem, was it? Harpy just won't speak to me because she thinks I am too stupid. So you are both wrong.

9-11-22 8:39 • Who Flies Migrants and Why
NaughtyPine: Hasn’t the Biden Administration been flying migrants who came here illegally to other states in the middle of the night without notifying those jurisdictions - for like a year? Seems it’s the same thing.
Not really.
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... s-cities-/
• The federal government transports adult detainees in its custody from one facility to another, or from one U.S. city to another during deportation proceedings.
• The vast majority of people on the flights are unaccompanied minors who crossed the border, requested asylum under immigration law, and are being released from federal custody to a parent or sponsor.
• Some of these flights happen at night, but they are not covert operations. The same types of flights were done by the Trump administration.
Harpy: Biden has a D next to his name, so that makes it okay.
No, it's okay because it's actually different. This is ordinary transport of people who are in federal custody, like those who are being deported and children who are to be picked up by sponsors. Do you expect them to walk?
NaughtyPine: Democrats keep saying this was a cruel stunt, but the migrants who came to Martha's Vinyard are now praising DeSantis! They say, "There is so much opportunity here, you just have to take advantage of it."
If busing migrants to the interior is the answer, hooray! But that doesn't mean dumping them into the street. We would need to start a program which *coordinates* between agencies on both ends of the journey. We could arrange for migrants to arrive in every city and town in the country. That would be so great for them.
But as it happens, the migrants who DeSantis flew to Martha's Vinyard are now suing him for fraud, and he is facing possible criminal charges for lying to people to transport them across state lines.

9-11-22 2:48 • Boebertizement
B: Lauren Boebert, Colorado politician, just claimed that the U.S. is meant to be a Christian Nation, and that Christians should "rise up." That doesn't sound at all ominous.
J: That just means stand strong in Christ! What could possibly make you think it was intended as violence?
The gun porn.
J: Gun porn makes you think that people who believe in Christ want to do violence?
No, it makes me think that Lauren Boebert wants to do violence.
[Many pics of Boebert with guns]
J: Don't you think that could mean violence only in a defensive capacity?
It sure doesn't look like she considers violence only as a last resort.

Read more in the Archives.