04-14-24  •  Abortion for President

Betty:The Arizona Supreme Court just upheld a law from 1864 which totally outlaws abortion in the state...from before they became a state. WTF?

Pam: Time for women to remember we don’t need doctors to acquire abortifacients.

Betty: I think we need to make laws to protect women's right to reproductive health, not expect women to just google pennyroyal and be able to give themselves a safe abortion.

Pam: Women have been getting by without doctors for 5000 years. And I'm not one who thinks that every culture except ours are idiots. They have knowledge. I say this not from googling, but from serving as a midwife apprentice for two years and studying cultural anthropology, including birth methods around the world, and how to induce abortion.

Are you saying that you have administered or assisted when someone administered an herbal abortion?

Pam: I have observed.

Well. I don't exactly disagree with you. I do think that there are times when we have to act for our own self-determination, despite the strictures of the state. I respect your need to be free of group strictures and identities and act entirely on your own, to create your own destiny. It's important to have some people in any group with that kind of fierce independence.

At the same time, I don't agree that having "observed" an herbal abortion, or studied the anthropology of midwifery, really qualifies you to recommend it as a *safe* alternative to modern medical abortion. There is no need overgeneralize; acknowledging the miracles of modern Western scientific medicine is not the same as believing all others are "idiots."

But, there really ARE advantages to the medicalized model: best practices have been established with large-scale clinical trials rather than anecdotes...there are protocols for determining when dangerous interactions could occur...in an emergency, standardized information about the patient can be shared between providers...plant products vary in strength, while pharmaceuticals have consistent dosage...physicians are required to maintain competencies and receive continuing education in the latest discoveries...they make full use of technical diagnostic imaging and lab tests, which can reveal hidden complications...etc. There really are good reasons to consider a modern medical abortion to be a safer, better choice.

So while I agree that people should not be afraid to think independently and outside the box, especially in the face of government overreach, I don't think a self-administered herbal abortion is a safe or practical solution for women who need to end a pregnancy.

Pam: I didn’t say anything about self administered… I said traditional healers exist and have knowledge about how to end a pregnancy.

It would be just as illegal for a "traditional healer" to end a pregnancy as it would be for a medical doctor, if abortion is illegal where they practice.

Pam: Fuck the laws! If any laws are created that take away a woman’s autonomy over her own body, every woman in the entire country should stand up against them.

I’ll help anyone that wants an abortion get one. If they want to meet with a traditional healer, I’ll drive them. If they want the Abortion pill, I’ll help them get it. I’ll drive them anywhere in the country or Canada, or Mexico to get it…I’ll help them move to a different state if the feel too scared to go home.

Sure, but as long as we are fucking the laws, people can just illegally go to a real doctor. As long as they are traveling to get an abortion, they can travel to a real doctor. Unless someone really just wants an herbal abortion, I don't see how it's an alternative to a standard medical abortion - it's a crime or a travel either way.

Pam:I can’t personally take every woman that wants an abortion to get one, and most women can’t afford it and won’t be able to get there.

So the knowledge is needed.

Again, I don't disagree that some women will be forced to try an herbal abortion on their own, but I don't agree that it's safe to do so. There will be a lot of failed attempts and a lot of complications and more maternal deaths. I think we can agree that it should not have come to this.

Pam: I will do whatever it takes.

You'll do absolutely anything to help a woman, except the one thing that would really help - voting to keep the Republicans who want this out of office.

Please reconsider enabling a Trump win, and then I'll believe you think every woman in the entire country should stand up against them.

Pam: What are you talking about? I have never voted for trump, I am never going to vote for trump… I don’t even think I’ve ever voted for a Republican…

You just all think I’m right wing because I’m pro-women having guns to protect themselves, and I’m anti-racism in all forms.

Not at all, I know you are not right-wing. I was referring to your oft-stated plans to vote for RFK Jr. If you want Trump to lose, if you want women to have bodily autonomy, that is not going to help.

Pam: I am going to vote independent because I cannot (in my own personal morals) vote for trump and I’m not going to vote for Biden when I legitimately do not think he is capable of handling the position, and I’m not willing to vote a puppet head into the position… I don’t know who would be the presidential decision maker if I voted for Biden.

Granted, RFK does have some vaccine hesitation which o don’t really care about, and he believes in aliens… which again, I don’t really care about.

He’s the “good enough” candidate in a group of horrible candidates…

But that's not going to help women if Biden loses, is it? At least if he wins, you know the team in charge is pro-choice, pro-equality. If Trump wins, what will happen to women then?

Imagine the backwaters of repression and misery that will occur for women if we let the people who want this legislation get back in charge. Imagine the botched back-alley abortions, the herbal poisonings, the struggling families of eight or nine kids with each one less wanted than the last. Imagine the enforced poverty and vacuity of women who do not have self-determination.

IMO, it's not enough to stand alone and just vow to help women you know break the laws. If you stand with others, you could help so many more women, by stopping these laws from becoming laws, so millions of women won't have to suffer under them at all. THAT would be "every woman in the entire country standing up against them."

Biden and his team ARE doing the job right now, and I don't agree that thumbing your nose at senile Ol' Uncle Joe is worth risking the lives and health and freedom and autonomy of every woman in this country including you and me, your daughters and mine. Please consider the misery and suffering for women the Republicans WILL create if they win. Isn't that worth fighting?

Just something to think about. That's my piece, thanks for reading.

Betty: I'm with you. But, just look at how this is portrayed in the media.

My main concern is for how the right is misrepresenting this issue. A day or two ago, Trump went on camera saying that Democrats want abortion up to birth and even after birth...yes, he says, they want to be able to execute babies after birth.

Is that what conservatives think they are fighting? No wonder they think Democrats are monsters. Does anyone even care that this is not true?

I think there is a real problem when Republicans think Democrats are for baby execution, for invasion at the border, for terrorists, for crime, for communism, and all these other ridiculous exaggerations. Who wouldn't hate people who are for that, right? But, no one is for that. It's just demonizing.

04-01-24  •  Mega-Pastor Marital Advice

M&M:This is the wedding night advice offered to brides by Josh Howerton, a senior pastor at Lakepointe Church. Claiming that the bride has "been planning this day her whole life," and so the groom should indulge her, he advised: "Stand where she tells you to stand, wear what she tells you to wear, and do what she tells you to do. You'll make her the happiest woman in the world."

Then, he says: In exchange, the bride should take a submissive role in what he pointedly calls "his wedding night," to "make him the happiest man in the world."

"Stand where he tells you to stand, wear what he tells you to wear, and do what he tells you to do."

R&R: So they live out marriage the way they see fit, what's it to you?

People can run their marriages and relationships any way they like. I think what is missing from this advice is any understanding of variation. Even for people in really traditional religions, sometimes the woman wears the pants in the family. You might find the wedding day is what HE has been waiting for, or the wedding night is what SHE has been waiting for and they will both enjoy it more if he stands where she wants him to stand, wears what she wants him to wear, and does what she wants him to do in the bedroom too. That's not a matter of belief but one of personality and inclination and many couples find their own way does not exactly fit the mold. And that's good.

So good marital advice would allow for variation.

03-30-24  •  Biden vs. Trump vs. Lizzo

Cera:It’s almost like Biden is trying to lose at this point.

When given the choice between a slain NYPD officer’s funeral and a fundraiser with a musician who is under fire right now for making her backup dancers go to sex shows where bananas were shoved up the performer’s vaginas and the audience members take bites out of the banana as it’s “in place”… and those backup dancers are now suing because of it.

Dude seriously need to fire whoever sets his schedule.

The optics are intense.

It's a stretch to turn this into a "my side good, your side bad" moment.

Plexy: It must be nice to have $500K you can flush down the toilet! Nice to see a reminder of how the Democrat elites can enjoy their life of luxury while most Americans are having trouble making ends meet.

Yeah, it sucks, but it's not one iota less true for "Republican elites" especially Trump. Democrats occasionally actually do things to help working people, like getting them healthcare and social aid, so again I don't buy that this is a "Dems are bad, Repubs are good" moment.

Cera: Lizzo was not just in attendance, she was PERFORMING.

As a nation, we completely ruined Billy Bush’s entire career because he laughed at a vile joke made by Trump, now we clap along as Biden dances to someone who is being sued for some pretty disgusting sexual assault reasons, but we don’t bat an eye if it’s democrats doing it…

Weird double standard we have set for ourselves.

They don't bat an eye when it's Trump doing it. It's not by party.

Cera: She’s been asked by the guy running for office to perform at the fundraiser for political office… it matters. Her accuser’s specific words were “she sexually assaulted me”. We. Don’t. Care.

First of all, I don't agree that "we" all "knew it" and just.didn't.care. I don't follow celebrities and I never heard about this business with Lizzo before. I think that public opinion about her will definitely change once it becomes common knowledge.

Secondly, I don't think this somehow makes Biden like Billy Bush. Biden didn't clap along to sexual harassment - Billy did. And none of this makes Trump the better choice.

Cera: I don’t think Trump is a better choice, I think he’s a horrible, disgusting choice… and for good reason, he’s horribly disgusting. I’ve never voted for him and never will, I’m voting RFK.


If that shoe fits other people as well, I’m not going to go blind to it…

We’re not holding everyone to the same standards, we should be.

I disagree that there is a double standard. Lizzo has announced she's leaving showbiz. Maybe yes, maybe no, but her career and reputation are critically damaged. Hooray, right? She probably deserves it.

HOWEVER. Making this a Biden bad, Trump good! piece is a stretch.

03-22-24  •  Who Gets the Talk

Finnie: At my daughter's school they are having an educational, empowerment event, just for girls...and non-binaries? Since when?

Halo: Many non-binary people have female reproductive systems and might need to know the information too.

Dee: On other words, feminists are kicking boys out of the cool club.

No, the boys can watch Why Study Industrial Arts, lol. MST3K Ref.

Dee: Or maybe we can grow up and stop deciding things like this by the genitals, hmm?

I don't have a problem with that, but I'm sure many parents don't want the boys there when the girls watch The Other Film, lol.

03-22-24  •  Trans People Are Coming for your Daughters

Dee: This happened -

Planet Fitness revokes a woman's membership after she takes photos in the women's locker room of a transgender shaving

Carole: Um, transgender is an adjective, not a noun, it's kind of slur-ish when you use it like that. And it's not like anyone was naked.

Dee: In THIS particular story no one was naked… Naked people are in locker rooms though.

12 year olds are in locker rooms…

We’ve now gotten so “inclusive” that if a 12 year old girl is sitting on the benches in a locker room and a naked grown man walks by with his dick at face height of that child, we tell the child to shut the f**k up and deal with it because the adults in your life are ok with that now…

Carole: Why would that happen? Trans people have just as much human decency as the rest of us.

Dee:Because that is what’s NORMAL in locker rooms.
Naked people walking around.
There’s nothing “indecent” about being in a locker room naked.

So no… walking around naked is not against any policies. It’s no one’s fault that a woman in a man’s body who also has a penis has their dick at face height of those who are sitting down… that’s just down to a person’s height…

So yeah, if a 12 year old is sitting on a bench and a penis is at face height to her, we tell her to deal with it because we’re inclusive now.

Either it's normal and nothing to be afraid of, or it's harmful and should never be allowed. Do the genders really make it from one to the other?

Dee:Yes, genders DO actually really matter on this one…

So you are perfectly okay with a 12 year old boy in this situation? What bad thing will happen to the girl that will not happen to the boy?

Carole: With the policies being be as modest as possible and also expect very temporary nudity, a 12 year old actually seeing a dick is odds-defying lol.

What I want to know is, what are the terrible consequences of seeing a dick that are so psychologically damaging (for girls, not boys) that it must be prevented at all costs, even at the cost of discriminating against trans people?

Dee:Girls feel uncomfortable around random men’s penises, In a way that they’re not uncomfortable if a 70 year old naked woman is in the locker room.

Why? Because of the way we evolved as humans really… the instinctual reasoning probably goes back THAT far…

Either that’s just something you accept as the way some people feel, or you don’t think their feelings are valid and attempt to deny them the social ability to challenge what is being normalized.

Well, I don't really agree with your generalizations. I think that some girls do and some don't, some boys do and some don't, some adults do and some don't, and they can certainly be as uncomfortable around naked women as men. All of those feelings are certainly valid; I think it's up to people to decide what they and their kids can handle.

But, even supposing a parent misjudged and a kid felt uncomfortable, you would have to show that some kind of actual harm could occur as a result of this exposure in order to justify a ban. Feeling uncomfortable for a moment is a part of growing up that is caused by millions of things every day and it's nothing to be afraid of. In the absence of harm, it's not a reason to discriminate against trans people.

ETA: I also don't agree that it's just evolved human behavior - many human groups have much less stricture about nudity throughout the lifetime and it's perfectly healthy.

Dee:Well, that’s one way of thinking…

But a lot of people say No, sparing my daughter that “moment of uncomfortableness” is well worth keeping naked men away from her.

Of course! Everyone has the choice of where they take their daughter. But putting it on the trans person to keep themselves away from her violates their rights and comforts in a far more damaging way, and perpetuates stereotypes that they are to be specially feared. In the absence of harm, I don't agree that's a valid tradeoff.

Dee:It’s extremely interesting whose discomfort we prioritize, isn’t it?

Women’s spaces can’t be for women anymore, women’s sports can’t be for women anymore, and women will always just be expected to “make space” for the wants of men no matter how uncomfortable that is or they are vilified….

It’s blatantly apparent who’s comfort we are prioritizing.

Not comfort; rights.

Yes, it's always uncomfortable when a group which was being oppressed starts exercising their rights in public. When segregation was made illegal, people were so uncomfortable with the thought of different races swimming together that they actually closed the pools rather than allow them to become integrated. It was considered too risky to allow the possibility that black men would see white women in their bathing suits, or get near them in the water. Thousands of public swimming pools around the country were drained and paved over. White people continued to swim in private pools, which could still be segregated; many black people never had the chance to learn to swim.

Dee:this is sick. Don't bring up Black people to try and make a point about transgenders. They’re not something to be compared or even discussed as equivalent…

I disagree, many civil rights struggles have parallels.

Dee:It’s legitimately a scientific fact that the male body and the female body differ.

It should not be a man’s right to be anywhere women hold as a women’s space.

Even at the talk for empowering women and non-binaries? (See above.) I thought you wanted such things NOT to be decided by the genitals.

And if the main issue really is the discomfort of children at the sight of different human bodies, what about people with handicaps, missing limbs or disfiguring scars? That kind of thing could be pretty uncomfortable for a child to see too. Is it so likely to be so uncomfortable for children that those people should be prohibited from changing in a locker room too?

You see I don't think an inadvertent glimpse of a different human body is really the main issue. At least some of it is prejudice against trans people, and that is why it has historical parallels.

Dee: Well, I’m absolutely not going to discuss Black rights as equivalent to transgender rights...i’m also not going to discuss a man’s body as equivalent to someone who lost a leg…. I’m not going to teach my daughters that they HAVE to be ok with naked men around them. They should absolutely have to be ok with someone who lost a leg being around…

I appreciate that we can discuss it at all, thanks.

A transgender person is no more danger to your daughters than any other person. The difference in their body is just another difference along a huge spectrum of human variation. (There are some women with more obvious genitalia than some men, who cares?) Singling out trans women, constantly equating them with cis men, and acting like they have some power to harm girls which no other sight could have makes no sense.

I think that in the near future there will be much more private and individual restrooms and changing areas which will not be segregated at all by gender, much like the Family restrooms at the mall today. People like more privacy and it's better use of the space to have facilities open to all. In other words, I think this issue is because of old-fashioned, binary institutional design. With new designs it will disappear, and people will marvel that we ever had trouble integrating open transgender people into society at all.

Carole: The whole "coming for your daughters" narrative sounds very similar and that is purposeful. I see parallels there.

Dee: The issue is not that they are more of a danger.

The issue is that there are women who are wholly uncomfortable being around a stranger’s naked male body.

If dressing rooms are changed into single person areas, problem solved…

Then I think we can agree that this issue is because of structural barriers that society has created. Society is full of these barriers, some not even from hatred, but just from old short-sighted conventions which turn out to be wrong. This is how a lot of institutional prejudice operates. Since much of it is literally built into the walls around us, it takes awhile to correct.

In the meantime we have to honor peoples rights to participate in such spaces as we have. And, especially in the absence of harm, it would help if we could avoid invoking lurid, but unlikely, imagery. Traditional locker rooms are just uncomfortable for everyone and that's something people who use them have to live with until they get better.

Dee: You may believe that these are short sighted conventions that turn out to be wrong.

Other believe there are completely real differences between the male and female body and they are not comfortable being naked around each other.

That is not what I am saying. The short-sightedness was on the part of architects and builders who did not realize that the conventional two choices were not sufficient to accommodate every circumstance without discomfort. Future designers will be smarter and make areas that are more private, so no one ever has to feel uncomfortable.

We can beat this problem with better institutional design. In the meantime, we should understand that everyone in a public locker room is uncomfortable and try to be extra considerate of each other and we'll get through it without harm.


I did a really fascinating study of the organization and institutional assumptions of public bathrooms. Society enforces many of its unspoken strictures through the construction of its public spaces.

In this case, two university student organizations, one for students with disabilities, and another for transgender students, recognized their common interest and teamed up to send patrols to all the many bathrooms on campus to make sure that the spaces conformed to requirements for physical accommodations and that there were no barriers to use of restrooms by identified gender. Along the way they ran into another student group called Aunt Flo and the Plug Patrol, who were checking all the bathrooms on campus to make sure they had sanitary supplies. The student groups had to confront some stigma about exploring such taboo issues, but in the end there were improvements to access for all three groups, and everyone, so their project was a success.

I don't disagree with the premise that people can feel uncomfortable and they just do. I think sometimes people have the right to do things that make others uncomfortable, but discomfort does matter and we can fix it. I do think we should be able to discuss it like adults. Thanks.

Carole: IMO bringing in violent crimes or sexual crimes to this discussion does nothing to prove any kind of point.

Dee: Statistically, men are responsible for most violent and sexual crime. Men are dangerous! That’s what the discussion rests on…

Women are showing themselves to be uncomfortable around a stranger’s naked male body regardless of how the person identifies. Which is what happens in locker rooms.

Why is that?

The same reason women are uncomfortable being around strange men naked…

Why is that?

Maybe you have a better answer as to why they’re feeling uncomfortable?

Again, I am not agreeing with these generalizations. Some women feel really uncomfortable changing around other women. Some will not change in front of their own children. Do you think they are doing risk analysis and that's why? I don't think it's all up to "this person has a penis therefore - I fear them." And I don't think "women" in general have a problem with any of this. Some do, some don't, and at least some of the controversy is just exploitation to gin up anti-trans sentiment.

People should do what makes them comfortable, but I don't think there is any data to suggest that trans women should not be allowed to use the locker room they identify with while we change the world of locker room design to fit the new reality.

Dee: So, just fuck the rape victims that don’t want naked men around them, they can go home, fuck the young girls that aren’t ready to see naked men, they need to grow up quicker, fuck the husbands that don’t want naked men around their naked wives, they need to get over it… Whatever the man in the situation wants, he should get. Fuck all women who have a problem.

A locker room policy requiring that all members be discrete in public areas addresses every single one of those concerns. How doesn't it?

Carole: I do think some of it is plain old bigotry.

Dee: If the society you want to create demands that I am now called a bigot because I don’t want random penises out on display around my daughters, so be it…

I get it… you REALLY WANT that to be the reality we live in… You believe that it is a man’s right to show his penis to any girl or woman, and there is something wrong with those women who don’t feel like that’s ok. Teenage girls be damned, if a 45 year old man wants something, he should have it, that’s his right and they most definitely supersede the rights of those girls and women.

I’m not onboard.

Frankly, I think this is a real problem.

You know perfectly well that what you are saying is not true. You know that is not what people think or want. This kind of gross exaggeration is destroying our civic discourse.

You may not support Trump, but you are doing Trumpism, right there - demonizing perfectly reasonable political positions (like, people have a right to determine their own gender) by claiming that it means the sickest thing possible and the daughters are next. Yes, that IS the "coming for your daughters!" argument, just as Carole said, and it's used to vilify the opposition and widen the divide.

This is why Trumpers hate, and I mean HATE the libtards, and think that being a liberal is a mental illness - because on every single issue, all day long, this is the kind of demonizing exaggerations they hear. Liberals want penis in your daughters face, right at eye level! Liberals want you to be robbed and murdered by an immigrant! Perfectly reasonable efforts to help people, to save lives, to honor human rights, to make life better, are treated like a sickness. It's not right.

I really appreciate having you in the discussion, but I weary of these games. Could you stop implying that we are perverts for no reason, please? Thanks.

Dee: Do you know what?

Fuck you. What I’m saying is FULLY TRUE. You just don’t like it.


You know that can be dangerous for young girls and you don’t give a shit.

You don’t think it’s damaging to the young girl so you fucking ADVOCATE for those men to be around a naked young girl….


You know young boys are exposed to naked grown men right now and you don't give a shit, right? You don't think it's damaging to the young boy so you fucking ADVOCATE for those men to be around a naked young boy...even though young boys are just as likely to be victims of abuse as young girls...

That is what you are doing, right?

Dee: Males are typically comfortable changing clothes around other males, but not around females. Boys can easily be uncomfortable, they should get their own private dressing room.

Females are typically comfortable changing clothes around other females, but not around males…Girls can easily be uncomfortable, they should get their own private dressing room.

How is this a new idea to you?

If everyone who is uncomfortable gets their own private dressing room, then what does it matter if one person is trans?

And to my point about the discourse...

You can easily use calm and leveling language, suggest that this is nothing new, make exceptions for the uncomfortable, etc. when it's young boys in the locker room with grown men. At the same time, you use hysterical all-caps accusations of not giving a shit about girls. Even though the problem is, you suggest, that men are dangerous, and not to be trusted. Boys are just as likely to be abused by men as girls. Boys are going to be in locker rooms with men millions of times more often than girls being in a locker room with a trans woman. Nothing, really?

I could easily claim that you just don't give a shit about all the boys who are being abused in the locker room, which is actually a thing, especially when you consider hazing. That's a problem a thousand times worse than a trans woman shaving at PF. But, I'm not trying to make it out like you want boys to just grow up, get used to it, who cares. I think you do care, and would work with me to put a stop to it when you think about the actual harm. I can give you the benefit of the doubt.

I actually give more shits about both boys and girls than you can believe. I just don't agree that trans women are such a risk to girls that they need to be discriminated against by laws governing their bathroom use, especially in light of the real locker room risks, to boys. That does not make me a "severely destructive force." Please think about the real risks and I hope you'll agree.

03-20-24  •  UHI in the Best City

Mare: Get this - Elon Musk Predicts A 'Universal High Income' As Jobs Are Phased Out And Employment Becomes Obsolete. What do you think of this?

Luxury-techno-communism. It's this or nothing.

Mare: I thought of you when I read it, lol. But seriously, could we do this?

Way back in the golden days of Ancient Greece, Socrates was asked to describe the best possible city, where people could live the best, most fulfilling lives. Socrates described a bustling city of leisure and industry where people could become experts in their crafts and enjoy the relishes of trade. Most notably, he said the citizens would form a democratic league of Guardians to rule and protect the city, and in this league women would be equal to men, and all property and wealth would be held in common, for the good of each and all.

Later, his student Plato decided to codify a civic system in his work Laws. Plato's Laws is so influential, it's pretty much the blueprint for what would become western civilization and democracy today. However, by this time Plato decided that humans were not capable of living in the best city, holding property in common, or having women as equals. So, in Laws he describes the "second-best city," where only men with sufficient property would be voting citizens and everyone else was essentially their servants. And that is the city we have been living in ever since. Only in the last hundred years did we even think to extend full citizenship to women.

The point is, we have known since ancient times that humans should live in fundamental equality. But, it wasn't possible. When asked, "But Socrates, in the best city, who will till the fields?" the old man answered, "The slaves, of course." We had to have a servile class as long as there was hand-agriculture.

But now, and I mean very soon, we truly will have no need of any servile class. All toil will be better done by our marvelous machines. So, at last, we can live in the best city, where all can be equals and all share in the prosperity of the whole, for the good of each and all. Truly, property and material wealth should mean less than nothing in this world, where anyone can have anything with the touch of a button. Every person will be completely free to pursue interests, become good at what they enjoy, create and nurture fulfilling relationships, and live in a beautiful environment, with no concern of material want.

We just have to decide...was Plato right? Are humans capable of living in the best city, of sharing wealth and power? Or are we stuck in the second-best city forever?

I hope we can choose better, because if we don't, we will destroy the machines and each other before we can ever see what's possible. And we may not get another chance.

03-12-24  •  Why Oh Why Trump?

Dua: I STILL question how that fucking moron ended up our president and what the fuck is fundamentally wrong with the people that voted for him. Like, are they all on drugs, were they dropped on their heads as children, was it lead paint? Or did mommy and daddy simply not love them enough and now they want everyone else to know what it feels like to be fucked over on a daily basis.

There is only one way that people can stand to be exploited by capitalism, and that is if there is an even lower group which is being exploited even worse. LBJ said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

The Civil Rights movement, and the hyper-predatory capitalism of Milton Friedman, have taken the working class from successful and dominant to unsuccessful and non-dominant. People want that success and that dominance back. Trump's retrograde attitudes toward women and non-whites hearken back to that "happier" time. He's a lawless asshole who gets away with everything; people who have been socially displaced want him to be a lawless asshole and get away with everything FOR THEM, to restore their previous glory, to Make America Great Again. They care a lot more about restoring their past dominance than maintaining democracy.

It's right out the fascist playbook.

The only answer is to change the economy so everybody can have healthcare, a job that gives them their fair share, and some choices in life. That is what makes people trust and love democracy. If we don't, there's no reason to stay in the nice game...people turn to strongmen and start using force. That's where we are now.

Dua: With Christian Nationalism, there is a religious aspect to it too. We seem to be imploding on all fronts.

There are ways all of this could work. Market economics could provide broad prosperity across the globe. Religion could provide the social and moral uplift that deepens our relationships and makes life meaningful. We're on the verge of amazing breakthroughs in unlimited clean energy which could power a techno-utopia. It's all right within our grasp.

We just have to survive and stay democratic while we work out the details.

03-12-24  •  Prejudice vs. Racism

Layers: I saw this quote: "Racism was not simple hatred or prejudice based on skin color. Racism occurred when power was added to prejudice — the power to affect someone’s life physically, economically, educationally, politically or otherwise." They are explaining why only whites can be racist.

Is this really what liberals today believe? That black people are so powerless physically, economically and politically that they have no power to affect someone's life? They can't be racist?

I have heard before a distinction between prejudice, which is felt or practiced by individuals, and racism, which is a structural system of oppression. In that sense people can be prejudiced while it is the system that is racist.

03-12-24  •  Changing Times

Rita: What do you think of this poem? Do you think there is any validity to it?

Clara: I see a point, and the point I see is to create hostility toward transgender people. And what rights are being "obliterated"?

Sadly, actual reproductive rights ARE being obliterated, and not by people who want more inclusive language.

Rita: I think it’s ok to be against redefining women and for reproductive rights.

Sure, but it's wrong to claim that people are losing rights because of this language when they are really, actually losing rights because of the authoritarians who are against this language.

Rita: This article proves it: Gender Neutral Language Hurts Women

I remember a lot of really similar fearmongering about how same sex marriage was going to damage traditional marriage. Two decades prior, I recall a lot of handwringing about having to change words like policeman, chairman, postman. Some people really thought it was too much to ask of society to make that kind of change. But, it wasn't. Nobody lost rights, and many people gained them.

Rita: So you don't mind being referred to as a "breeder."

"Breeder" is already a slur, so I don't think it will become normalized, but I haven't heard anybody trying to normalize it anyway. The new terms I have heard suggested are "pregnant person" and "lactating person" and I think those could be appropriate for describing groups which might include trans men. I don't think it "redefines woman" any more than same-sex marriage "redefined marriage" to any detriment. I think people will get used to it.

When I was a kid there was a riddle that made the rounds. A boy and his father are in a terrible car crash, and the father is killed. The boy is rushed to the hospital, wheeled in for emergency surgery, but upon seeing the patient, the surgeon says, "I cannot operate on this boy; he is my son." How can that be?

Today it's hard to believe this was a stumper, but you should have heard the guesses back then. "It was the boy's step-father! It was his godfather! The man who died wasn't his real dad! The surgeon was his uncle, who thought he was his cousin!" Many people just did not think of the obvious solution because it was so far out of public consciousness to imagine. Yet, look at how far we have come. Such a riddle makes no sense at all today.

This poem strikes me kind of the same - in the future people will puzzle that it was ever a stumper to figure this out.

Rita: But, don't you think this could be true? From the article: “Removing references to the sex of mothers could also reduce visibility of women in medical research and potentially threaten their autonomy.”

I'm not even sure what it refers to. Can you give an example?

Rita: Gender Neutral Language Hurts Women

This is the same article you already provided. I don't see any examples of how this language is actually "reducing the visibility of women in medical research" or actually threatening anyone's "autonomy." In what way? It mainly seems to be conjecture, and Ann Romney taking personal offense.

I'd have to see what the actual problems are before I could tell you if they are more serious and threatening to society than the lack of progress on equality for trans people.

Read more in the Archives.